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What is Low Cost AT? and "can I buy it?" using my NDIS funding

The low cost AT NDIS guidelines refer to the National Disability Insurance Scheme's (NDIS) policies for funding assistive technology (AT) at a lower cost. Assistive technology includes devices, equipment, or systems that help people with disabilities in their daily lives. Under the NDIS guidelines, Low Cost, refers to Assistive Technology items that are $1500 or less.

The NDIS has specific guidelines for low cost AT, which means they aim to support the purchase of these devices at a more affordable price. This is to ensure that people with disabilities have access to the technology they need without facing excessive financial burdens.

The guidelines outline certain criteria and rules that need to be met in order to qualify for low cost AT funding. These criteria may vary depending on the specific technology and its cost. The idea is to find a balance between providing necessary support while considering the cost-effectiveness of the AT.

The NDIS use 2 product risk categories (‘low’ and ‘higher’) to assess the complexity of your AT needs.

  • Low risk AT products are:

    • unlikely to cause harm in day-to-day life

    • available for trial and / or can be purchased in retail stores

    • easy to set up and safely use without professional advice.

If you are eligible for the NDIS and need assistive technology, it's important to review the guidelines for low cost AT to understand the requirements and how they may apply to your situation. This can help you navigate the process of requesting funding and acquiring the AT you need. It's always a good idea to reach out to your NDIS plan manager or support coordinator for further guidance and assistance in accessing low cost AT funding.

My NDIS plan states I have funding for Low-Cost AT and/or Consumables - So, can I buy it?

There are several examples of low cost assistive technology (AT) that can be funded through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). It is important to note that any purchases made with your NDIS funding must be considered reasonable and necessary in relation to your disability, NDIS goals and be value for money.

Here are a few examples of Low Cost AT items you may be able to purchase using your NDIS Funding:

1. Communication aids: These can include low-cost devices like communication apps on smartphones or tablets, picture-based communication boards, visual supports, or simple voice amplifiers.

2. Daily living aids: This category includes low-cost items that assist with daily activities, such as non-slip mats, grab bars, adapted utensils, or medication management tools.

3. Mobility aids: This may include basic mobility devices like walking frames, crutches, canes, or simple manual wheelchairs.

4. Sensory aids: Low-cost sensory aids can include items like noise-cancelling headphones, emotional regulation tools, tactile stimulation tools, or fidget objects.

5. Safety aids: This category may include affordable items like personal alarms, door alarms, or night lights.

These are just a few examples to give you an idea of the types of low-cost assistive technology that may be covered under the NDIS guidelines.

However, it's important to note that the specific funding and eligibility criteria can vary, so it's best to check with the NDIS for detailed information tailored to your situation and ensure your purchases align with the goals outlined in your NDIS plan. Have more questions? feel free to contact our support coordination team for assistance

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