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Text reading the Inclusion spectrum in Green bold text

What is Inclusion and why is it is so important?

What is Inclusion?

Inclusion in its simplest form is defined as the state of being included. Of course, it is a much deeper concept, but let’s start with the basics. Inclusion means ALL people.


All - bodies, genders, cultures, backgrounds - having the opportunity to participate, learn and contribute to their community. 

To be truly included, also means to be missed when you are not there. 


Inclusion is when everyone has the opportunity to participate and contribute in their community, school and/or workplace.



Integration is when people are grouped together based on similarities, and given adjustments to be able to participate in an activity . Eg "Special Needs Group"



Segregation is the separation of an individual or group of individuals from a larger group.  Segregation can also involve the separation of items from a larger group



Exclusion is defined as the restriction of, or the denial of access to opportunities within community.


Exclusion can happen in many different forms including;

• Social: discrimination against gender, ethnicity or age

• Cultural: discrimination against values, norms and ways of living

• Economic: discrimination against employment opportunities and other financial benefits

• Political: discrimination due to the rule of law and the inability to exercise freedom


These forms can overlap and are due to the different experiences and differences each person has.


Any one person can experience exclusion.

An image of 4 circles with text reading the inclusion spectrum, each circle represents each stage of
A  background image

Let's Work Together

Contact us to see how our disability educators and Inclusion consultants can work with you to break down the barriers in your community, school and/or workplace to provide more opportunities for Inclusion.

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