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Mother and Son

MyTime Support Groups

What is MyTime?

MyTime is a national program of facilitated peer support groups for parents and family carers of children with a disability, developmental delay or chronic medical condition.


Established in 2007, the program is funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services. The Parenting Research Centre developed the program and manages it across Australia.

MyTime groups are open to all eligible parents and carers, regardless of what sort of special needs their child has.

MyTime provides all the benefits of peer support, but with the addition of a skilled facilitator. A MyTime facilitator ensures groups run smoothly, that they accommodate a variety of experiences and communication styles, accommodate members at different stages of adjustment to a diagnosis, and adapt to new members joining the group.

MyTime also ensures groups have access to high-quality information and evidence-based resources

What does a MyTime session look like?

The objective of MyTime is to establish and maintain peer support groups that increase parents/carers feelings of support in their caring role.

MyTime aims to:

  • empower parents

  • increase their general wellbeing

  • increase their confidence and success in their parenting role

  • help children and young people to thrive.


A typical MyTime session would have members, their preschool-age children, a trained facilitator, and at least one play leader. The facilitator guides group discussions with a focus on peer support, and sharing information on parenting and services.

There may be speakers or activities organised, or members might just relax with a coffee and talk about their week with someone who understands.

Facilitators allow members to determine the content of individual sessions and discussion topics, while providing evidence-based resources and information about local services and the service system.

Play leaders keep children (up to school age) engaged in appropriate play activities to support parent participation in the groups.


MyTime groups are intended to provide peer — not professional — support.


The aim of MyTime is that, over time, groups become self-sustaining and ideally members will set and pursue their own agenda.


While a facilitator will always be present, continued levels of professional support will vary, depending on the cohesion of the group and the confidence of group members.

Each MyTime group is inclusive, flexible, open, culturally appropriate and delivered in accordance with the MyTime program aims.

More about sessions

When : Sessions run each Tuesday Morning during school Terms from 9am-11am

Where: Welcome Lotteries House, 7 morse court Karratha

Cost : FREE

Facilitated by The Inclusive Movement


Proudly supported


or phone 0447 504 509

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